Faculty Environment
The university and faculty are both in the open and green spaces. Each building is surrounded by trees and most of the terrains are covered by grass. All of them are well-maintained by farmers appointed by the university and faculty. There are several spots where several types of flower plants and fruit plants are planted.
Facilities for OKUs. There is a ramp at the entrance of the faculty. The car could straightway park from the main road. Then a wheelchair could be used to bring the disabled person by using a ramp. In addition to that, there is an intercom for which the disabled person could use for calling staff in the office to come down or talk for further actions.
Variety of Food
Consist of fish, meat, chicken, vegetables, eggs and many types of community based food such as western food, local food, and regional foods.

Price list of various foods and drinks
Which are affordable for students, staff and visitors.